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What does a nutritional therapist do - her approach in a nutshell? Who can benefit from functional nutritional therapy? Is nutritional therapy for me? How does functional nutritional medicine differ from conventional medicine?
Digestive and gastro-intestinal health Brain health and cognitive health Metabolic health Hormones balance Liver Health Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) Program
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Christelle Pedersen: Functional Nutritional Therapist


Would you like to regain your vitality? I know what you mean.

My mission is to help you reclaim your health.

I'm here to help...

Food is information, not just energy (calories). Food actually tells our bodies how to function by signaling exactly when and how each cell type should behave in each situation. So we want the best information to reach our cells for optimal functioning.

Food is also synonymous with connection. In most cultures, food plays a major role in family ties, celebrations and ceremonies. Food brings us closer to friends and family, and memories are often evoked when we smell or taste familiar foods. The act of eating also integrates the mind with the body, and this mind-body connection influences the way we perceive the world around us. The loss of the shared family meal with food prepared from scratch has been part of the transformation that fuels the cycle of chronic disease.

Our diet has three basic components:

  • macronutrients - proteins, fats and carbohydrates, which are the building blocks of all foods micronutrients
  • vitamins and minerals
  • phytonutrients - substances derived from plants that have a positive effect on health.

How can I combine my skills as a functional nutritional therapist + integrative nutritionist + wellness coach to help you regain your balance?

We all want to be healthy, but it can be hard to figure out how to make food and eating habits work for us.

I offer you the concepts, strategies and tools you need to get there...

As a functional nutrition therapist, I focus on the framework of functional medicine to promote optimal health and well-being. I am also a certified GAPS practitioner.

Functional medicine can be seen as a kind of detective work. Like all detectives, functional medicine practitioners use a variety of tools and techniques to investigate a case and identify the culprit. These include detailed diet and lifestyle questionnaires, a thorough review of medical history and the use of state-of-the-art laboratory tests where necessary including blood, urine, stool, saliva and hair analysis.

Together we will try to find the most appropriate and achievable therapy plan to correct, balance and optimize underlying fundamental problems in the areas of mind, body and soul. With the help of your doctor if necessary, we'll determine the diagnostic process, set realistic health goals and design the appropriate therapeutic approach. I begin with a detailed, personalized history-taking, welcoming the client into the process of exploring their history and the potential causes of their health problems. In fact, our clients are always encouraged to play an active and committed role in their treatment, as we recognize that the partnership between client and practitioner can be extremely stimulating and yield excellent results. This is the main difference between functional and conventional medicine.

Once the basic pathologies and underlying imbalances at the root of the problem have been identified, you will be guided through a health-building process designed to promote healing, restoring systems function. We do this using evidence-based natural treatment protocols, personalized diet and lifestyle changes, and targeted nutritional supplementation.

My customers tell me that I have a holistic approach to health...


Well-informed to guide you every day and look after your health

I completed a four-year bachelor degree at the University of West London in health sciences, social psychology and nutritional medicine. I became a certified nutritional therapist in 2014. She has thoroughly enjoyed the new challenges of this career change, which have enabled her to help people take control of their health and well-being. This qualification has given her the skills and knowledge to be able to analyze scientific information in the fields of nutrition and lifestyle medicine.

My quest for knowledge led me to follow specialized training in Gut Enterology and Psychological and Physiological Disorders with Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride in Cambridge. She is a certified GAPS practitioner.

To be able to help each individual optimally and consciously, she continues to train to maintain her knowledge in her field. She regularly participates in online webinars and attends conferences and seminars given by experts on the latest research in nutritional medicine.

I have acquired the knowledge of over 20 diet protocols to advise each individual with an adjusted and individualized nutrition plan that can meet each person's needs, goals and requirements.

I can help you with food allergies based on your sensitivities such as:

  • Gluten
  • Salicytates
  • Dairy products
  • Amines
  • Glutamates
  • Oxolates
  • Low FODMAPS diet - FODMAPS stands for Fermentable, Oligossaccharides, Dissacharides and Monosaccharides and Polyols, such as fructose, fructan or lactose. It's a diet of short-chain carbohydrates with low reabsorption.
  • Elimination diets
  • Anti-microbial diets
  • SCD
  • GAPS
  • Body ecology
  • Feingold, failsafe
  • Atkins modification
  • Paleo diet
  • Primal diet
  • Popular diets (e.g. South Beach, Atkins, zone diet etc...)

Together, we'll target all aspects of your health...

As a registered nutritional therapist, I can offer nutrition and lifestyle coaching for the prevention or management of:

  • Women’s health conditions, such as PMS, PCOS, endometriosis, fibroids
  • Fertility problems
  • Digestive issues and gut health
  • Weight gain
  • Food sensitivities and allergies
  • Cognitive health
  • Metabolic Health
  • Blood sugar imbalances
  • Children health
  • and much more

Click here to find out more about 1:2:1 consultations with Christelle

So you can create a balanced life.

You want someone to see you as a whole person, not just a lab test or a set of symptoms.

Together, we'll take a deeper look at not only your body, but also your lifestyle and even your emotions and stress levels, so that you can have a personalized life plan on what to do to improve yourself - a plan that feels good to you!

However, Christelle is not a doctor or qualified medical practitioner. The information and advice offered on this website are intended to provide general information only and should not be used as a substitute for medical advice. Always consult your healthcare professional before beginning anything new. (Check the Disclaimer)