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White collar crimes & white coat criminals


White collar crimes & white coat criminals

This write up does not mean to applaud or denigrate any particular system of healing.
Whatever appeals to any individual, is it’s ones choice.

Before proceeding further, let’s delve into what Hippocrates, the father of modern medicine has to say about the art of healing. We are not saying that is all accurate we are saying that it is worth to look at it and may be review it a little. Ironically or may be customarily all white coat wearers are presumed to have sworn by Hippocrates.

If that’s really true and not simply metaphorical, then observing the slyness with which a large number of white coats, barring blessed exceptions, denude any sick person of his net worth, is appalling. The celebrated Greek Physician (c.460 B.C.- c.370 B.C.) must be turning in his grave by the wiliness of modern medicine practitioners for tarnishing his fame…and certainly think that he should be time to rewrite some part of the oath!

The societal narrative took a sharp u-turn and changed its nomenclature from black deeds of criminality to sophisticated white collar crimes. After many decades of pursuing hackneyed and self destructive executive and economic policies by aforesaid white collars, when the present dispensation came up with maverick and innovatively stunning policies, a large number of “white” (mark it, not black) sheep, among the white collars with their gorgeous tassels operating as bankers and financial advisors, critically sabotaged the system from within just lured by lucre. As if mauling the demonetization exercise was not enough, the ill famed scams of doling out fabulous amounts of loans to undeserving and now fugitive brats, scams in GST, Bank Gift Coupons, etc. etc. make daily headlines in print and electronic media.

Now the narration shifts from white collar craftiness to white coat chicanery. Ultra modern snobs, who under an illusory superiority of their knowledge and intellect solely based on their elitist educational background, shun any other traditional healing system, on the ill founded presumption that it has not been proved “clinically”, a fascinating term coined by pedagogues of pharmaceutical corporations.
Finally, one is left with only one system, popularly owing its origin to much touted Hippocrates. Many very honest, humane and dedicated practitioners even in this system are there and by their art of healing have made a name. As exceptions don’t prove the rule, so does the graphical narration of misdeeds of a large majority.

Such “white” sheep are the real “pathogens” of the healthcare system!!!.( I am not putting every white collard in the same box, if you know what I mean)